Announcing Brand New Life Coaching Packages for Women

It has been a while since I wrote a blog post. Let me catch you up. You know about how my life shifted in a major way when I found the field of Positive Psychology, and how it took me some time, but I pivoted my career so that I could be constantly immersed in the science of happiness, practicing it for myself and teaching others how to flourish. Since I started Her Savory Life, I always focused on sharing my experiences with women in their search for personal development and life satisfaction. And then, earlier this year, I became a Certified Professional Coach, so I could facilitate a systematic and more in-depth personal growth process with women who want to change their lives.

Click the image for details about the coaching packages and to sign up.

Click the image for details about the coaching packages and to sign up.

I’m living a combined personal mission to live a conscious life with an even more powerful professional mission to help young women do the same for themselves. 

What do I mean by conscious? Consciousness is another word for awareness. Awareness might sound like a simple concept, but words really don't do it justice. When you experience this way of living, every moment of every day is a choice – an opportunity to make intentional decisions. Consciousness let’s us choose to think, feel, say or act in a way that feels meaningful and authentic. But this is not how we’re wired. When we’re on autopilot day in and day out, we’re pretty unconscious – stuck in our routines and going through the motions (unless you are the person who jumps out of bed with excitement each day)! When life seems unfair or hard, and we want to react by giving up or giving in, consciousness gives us the choice to regain control, even when it seems we have none. The most powerful saying I’ve lived by lately is that “no one can make you feel any way.” So when we feel stuck, unhappy, scared, anxious, worried or sad – emotions that are even more relevant today in this country – consciousness gives us the power to change that feeling without blaming other people or falling victim to a defeatist mentality.

And this is the power of the service I now provide. I’ve launched my own coaching services for women to help them design their own conscious way of living based on what they want out of life. Together, we identify and change the things in their lives that no longer serve them or make them happy. We add new plans and habits that alter the trajectory of their lives. The women I work with want better things from themselves. They don’t want to settle for anyone or anything. They don’t want to wake up years down the road regretting the risks they didn’t take. They don’t want to dread going to work. They don’t want toxic people to influence them. They don't want to feel obligated to live up to people's expectations. They don't want to be guilted into making decisions that don't align with their values. They don’t want fear to rule their lives.

My clients don’t want life to happen to them, they want to happen to their lives. 

In that vein, I am “retiring the name” Her Savory Life as the title of this blog. Her Savory Life has been a chapter of my journey for nearly four years, which all started the day I decided my intuition was too loud to ignore. The name Her Savory Life began as an exploration of self. I wrote about slowing the hamster wheel of life and questioning my blind adherence to societal milestones. I wrote about redefining a warped version of success that was based on what looked good on paper. Her Savory Life was the forcing function for me to savor life’s moments and release my grip a bit. My writing then morphed into a mantra for women that I spread through workshops and talks. The mantra was based on living by your authenticity instead of trying to blend in. It was about savoring the experience instead of yearning for the destination. 

I am grateful to my Her Savory Life experience. Like a slow winding stream, it floated me to where I am today. Now, its time for the platform to evolve. I intend to use this blog for updates and info about mental and emotional wellness research and strategies.

In addition, I am excited to formally announce the release of 2 new private coaching packages for women in their early 20’s to 40’s who are facing pivotal moments in their lives.

Click here to see the packages!

I am providing the service that I wished I’d had 4 years ago at the beginning of my self-exploration, life goal setting and personal/professional transitions. It would have been so empowering to have an objective support system teaching me about how my brain works so I could use it to my advantage. Sometimes as women, we need to get out of our own heads and ask for help.

In honor of the launch of these 2 packages, I will be offering one complementary coaching session for women interested in learning more.

Click here to schedule your free session!